Sunday, November 13, 2011

Headline News and Mandolay Discovered

            Many years ago I heard some disco song with the phrase "Headline News" in it, but this was before Google or YouTube when things were easy to look up. Once in a while I would think about the song, but never when I would be in front of a computer.

            A few weeks ago I was bike riding in a park and as I was passing by a paddleball court, there was a group of players with a loud radio playing another song I had long been searching for called "Mandolay". I first heard this other disco song back in 2004 when I was in line at a bakery in Brooklyn and about a year later while I was in my car I caught the tail end of it on the radio. Unfortunately, I couldn't make out any of the lyrics and the disc jockey didn't give any mention of the song name or artist. This too plagued me for many years as I had an idea what the song sounded like, but didn't know how to investigate it. When I caught a few more of the lyrics while passing by the paddleball court that day and heard "She Say Mandolay", I was able to Google it later in that day and find out the song is called "Mandolay" by a band named La Flavour.

          This morning I remembered that occurance and applied the same Google method to my "Headline News" obstacle, and found the song is called "Headline News" by Carol Douglas, who also does a great rendition of the Bee Gees classic "Night Fever". Both songs are available on iTunes and well worth the 99 cents. There's also many different versions of "Mandolay" available for purchase since its been mixed alot for dance and club purposes. There's two more songs out there I've been searching for a long time, there's one disco song and another song from the early 60's. The problem is that they're both instrumental so there's no lyrics for me to Google in. I'll have to be at the right place at the right time when I hear them again...

"Mandolay" by La Flavour

"Headline News" by Carol Douglas

"Night Fever" by Carol Douglas

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