Friday, May 11, 2012

Free Food at Fairway

             Not too long ago I was driving home at night with a friend and I needed to do some grocery shopping, which I put off from doing earlier in the day. It was around 9:30pm and the route we took home was going to pass by a Fairway supermarket. The latest I ever saw a Fairway open was around 8:30pm, so in my mind I figured there was no chance it would be open, but since it was on the way home, there was no harm in stopping by to check it out.

             When we arrived there it was about 9:45pm and the parking lot was completely empty, yet the Fairway store still had their usual fruit and vegetable stand stationed out front fully loaded as it would be during the day, so this gave me the impression the place might still be open. I drove deeper into the parking lot and headed towards the store to make sure. As we rolled by slowly in the car, we noticed the front entrance was shut, and looking inside the window there were no cashiers at any of the registers. There was also no sign of any other employees inside as we saw no movement. I turned my head several times to scan the entire parking lot, and my car was still the only car in the lot at that time. If there were employees in the store still, it's very likely one or more of their vehicles would be parked in the lot, but no cars were around. It's safe to assume someone responsible for closing down the store for the night isn't the type of person who is going to walk or take a bus home, especially at night. I kept asking myself; how can they leave this fruit and vegetable stand out front with nobody watching it and without at least putting some type of cover on it?

            Someone very easily could walk up to it with a bag in the middle of the night and do some shopping for free. There's tomatoes, peaches, kiwi, peppers (red and green), potatoes, onions, and apples, all ripe for the midnight picking. Even worse, someone could come by and spike it with whatever substance and it gets purchased the next day. Knowing the store was officially closed and not wanting to appear as if we were casing the joint, we left the vacant parking lot and headed back home. While driving I couldn't comprehend how Fairway just leaves the food out there like that. Perhaps its possible there is some guard in there of sorts keeping an eye out, but the probably some guard or guards can monitor every second of every inch of that stand all night long is extremely low.

             All I know is next time I shop at Fairway, I'm only buying the stuff that's inside the store...

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