Friday, October 21, 2011

Occupy Wall Street is only making the NYPD Richer

            A few weeks ago I happened to be passing by lower Manhattan on foot on my way to a subway station. Unbeknowingst, I came upon the Occupy Wall Street protest which is currently dominating most of the news headlines these days.

            It's hard to take these protesters seriously when in addition to their signs against corporate greed, I also saw a sign to free Wesley Snipes from his prison term due to income tax issues. I won't even get into the tattoos and strange piercing alot of these protesters had, but all in all this is a gigantic waste of time. The NYPD, who has to guard this bunch, is only raking in the overtime hours from this whole fiasco. The city budget going to the police for this unplanned occurance will have to come from other areas, so you can kiss goodbye some potholes in the streets from being fixed or perhaps extra security cameras in our subway systems. Perhaps a few NYC Public School are going to lose out because of the budget cuts this will cost.

           I commend the protesters on sticking it out for as long as they have, but facing facts, there's not enough people behind this to even put a dent in the reality of the situation. Unless the entire country shuts itself down and forces the Government and the Big Corporations to change their tunes, which is not going to happen, its always going to be the same old song. As Homer Simpson once said, "If you don't like it, go to Russia". Meanwhile, its best to disband so the overtime hours going to the police can now go to fix that pothole I ran into last week.

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