Thursday, January 26, 2012

The 7-11 Domestic Disputes

            Lately at nights I've been stopping by my local 7-11 to pick up a nice cup of hot chocolate for a warm late-night snack, and its during these hours where the most odd people come out to also get something from 7-11. This particular convenience store is located near a highway exit as well as a subway station, so its certain to attract the best of the best, or actually the worst of the worst, society has to offer.

            The other night for example some guy who looked like a junkie was trying to make a purchase with a debit card, his wife's or girlfriend's apparently, but the pin number for the card wasn't going through. I'm waiting on line, and the 7-11 cashier had to try to charge the card behind the counter, but the worker still needed the pin code to make the charge go through. So the guy is on his cellphone hollering at some lady to just give him the number and it seems she couldn't remember what it was, so there was one failed transaction after another. The guy was getting more upset by the moment and started screaming at this point for the lady to give him the right number. I was growing impatient and felt my hot chocolate would turn into ice by the time this guy was done. The cashier had presence of mind to make the guy wait aside so I could get through my $1.62 transaction. I was finally out of there, the guy was still on the phone, and I have no idea if he was ever able to use the card.

            Fast foward to last night I walked into the 7-11 around midnight to get a nice cup of hot chocolate and there's two more beauties already in there. This time it was a couple, the man needed a cane to walk, and as soon as I walked in they were arguing with eachother. The guy must have asthma because he was holding one of those breathers near his mouth, the lady slapped it out of his hand and it fell onto the dirty floor. As I poured myself a medium hot chocolate the lady marched towards the back of the store saying she had enough and that it was over. I think the guy wanted her to buy him something because he seemed quite dissapointed and wanted to confirm with her if she wasn't going to get something for him. She also yelled out that she wanted all her money back, so maybe she's been giving him money and buying him stuff for quite some time. The guy limped towards the back of the store to try to get closer to her, but she moved by him and exited the store entirely. I finally went to the line and had my turn to make the purchase, by this time the guy also exited the store and the two of them continued the argument out in the parking lot. I left the store and watched them for a few seconds, but seeing there were no cars and no other witnesses on hand, it would've been awkward to just stand there and watch those two, so I headed home.

            7-11 seems to sell everything these days, maybe they should include free divorce proceeding with any soft drink purchase over $4...

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