Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Cleanse My Way

            Before leaving my job last month, in the months building up to that alot of my collegues were frequently discussing methods of cleansing the body. By cleanse, that is removing the toxins and bacteria that lie within the body. Some people had a plan of different juices throughout the day, some of which gave off a foul smell, others mentioned sticking to a magical potion of some sorts made up of all different ingrediants, plus having to flush the body in the morning by drinking a cup of salt water. I too was interested in cleansing myself after many years of food abuse, but none of these options sounded too appeasing, so with more time to think it over I've developed by own plan of attack.

            In the first few weeks after leaving the job I always felt extremely tired and was sleeping half the day. I'm not sure if that was my body needing to recuperate after years of damage or just my mind reacting to the fact I was out of the routine I had been following for the past 7 years. Either way, I first needed something to fight the constant fatigue, so I went to a generic health food store and picked up a bottle of Kyolic, which is a garlic supplement that prevents stress & fatigue as well as promotes a healthy immune system. Its two pills after breakfast and two pills after dinner. Now getting to the cleanse, at Fairway I picked up a bottle of Super Cleanse from Nature's Secret which is supposed to detoxify, nourish, and boost the wellness of the colon. That one is three pills after breakfast and three pills after dinner, so basically I'm taking 10 pills a day in total. Just for safe keeping, also at Fairway I purchased a drink called Good Belly, which I have tried in the past, and it's specialty is removing bacteria from the other parts of the digestive tract beyond the colon. Good Belly comes in mango, strawberry-banana, blue berry, and black berry flavors. I take a small glass of it at night before bed.

         This is roughly my 12th day into this cleanse method I've designed and so far there has been positive results. I'm not as nearly as sleepy and fatigued as I was several weeks ago, plus with the help of adhrering to a more consistant gym schedule without the interference of late nights of work, I also feel I lost a few pounds. I didn't weigh myself before and after so this could be total speculation, but most of my pants are now looser around the waistline than I remember from weeks and months ago. Same feeling with a number of my shirts as well. The Super Cleanse bottle directs use for 30 days and then to stop for a while, so I'll keep this going for a few more weeks and see if there's any further positive news. What I like about this method is I can keep eating and living as I normally would, most cleanses require a suspension of eating and focusing on a set of juices or potions for a number of days/weeks. The things we do for ridding bacteria...


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